


Relational and Social Constructionist Consortium of Ecuador (IRYSE)

Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A.



The Absolute, Monolith with Six Faces, Carved Stone Valdivia Culture – Ecuador, 3800 BC – 1500 BC

Final note: In this final post of our blog, we reproduce the initial presentation made on January 26, 2018.



From Quito, Ecuador, we open this space for transformative relational dialogues, rooted in relational-social constructionism, trusting that it will be a valuable contribution to our contexts. We aim to generate new questions, conversations, and creative, reflective, meaningful, and diverse possibilities.

We seek to ensure that our narratives and actions foster the joint creation of new meanings through committed coordination, cultivating practices with socially responsible significance.

Using a language that focuses on resources and the capacity to construct contextualized human worlds, we engage in the ongoing process of building social worlds. These worlds embody transformative processes, grounded in a sensitive and critical understanding of how dialogue shapes individuals and expands possibilities.

This act of being with others fosters connections rooted in relational ethics, radical presence, and consistently reasoned inquiry. It nurtures innovation, acceptance of differences, and openness to diversity, driven by permanent curiosity, imagination, creativity, and respect.

We place our trust in the processes of dialogue, in relationships, and in the joint construction of meanings, words, actions, and poetic connections. Together, we explore new ways of being with others, caring for relationships, and consistently contributing to the development of dialogues about what could be.

We work with love, intelligence, and rebellion against a cruel and unjust status quo, free from prejudice and the common sense that normalizes exploitation. We enrich ourselves with the best of humanity, as expressed through art, literature, film, and music, dialoguing from reflective pragmatics and complexity to embrace uncertainty.

 Coda:  Building through dialogue, with new questions, from respect and curiosity, fostering a deep trust to connect through authentic vulnerabilities. Opening the possibilities of what is to come by creating rhizomatically and jointly new stories and meanings; capable of permanently and consistently questioning capitalism. Weaving liberating relational dialogues that transform us through relational ethics; embodying difference; and generating processes of common well-being, dignity, joy, and possible futures.

The Absolute, Monolith with Six Faces, Carved Stone Valdivia Culture – Ecuador, 3800 BC – 1500 BC

Social-relational constructionism. Joint, significant and creative construction of transformation processes in the therapeutic process, in the training of professionals, and in clinical supervision. (19/20)


English translation by Bruno Tapia Naranjo.

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