Health in all its Aspects

Relational and Social Constructionist Consortium of Ecuador (IRYSE) Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. and Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D.   The overall well-being of an individual goes far beyond physical health. Two clinical psychologists talk about it. Although we all have some notion of what good health means, it is important to understand that it is not only related to not suffering from diseases. Daily life presents us with situations that require us to be alert and engaged in activities of all kinds. Economic, social, and family demands imply that, regardless of age, we meet the expectations of others and our own, and, all of this, in one way or another, affects our health. Next, we will present some ideas to be able to lead a healthy life comprehensively. Health: the integral well-being of the person When we talk about health we almost always think of illness. Health and illness, in Western society, constitute a duo that cannot be separated and that we normally locate, primarily, in the body. It is thought that when we do not feel discomfort or pain in our body it is because we are not sick, therefore, we are healthy. The body is the medium that allows...

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Little, much, nothing.

Relational and Social Constructionist Consortium of Ecuador (IRYSE) Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. Shame    Continuing in a society, in a country whose government decides, that it is above the Law, that the Law is to be imposed in an abusive and corrupt way on others and not to be respected and enforced, produces only a penalty that is defeat, a historical shame and legitimate indignation. In this present of banalities that come and go with frenzy, of endless lists of frustrations and disappointments, because you discover that your relatives are thieves, that your friends are buffoons, that your loves were idealized ghosts, that work is alienating (you discover how obvious it is); that here and now, decadence is the norm, the north and the only entrance and exit; probably, it is also the time to say no, to open the possibilities of authentically saying yes. If everything has been said, it means that everything is about to be said in different ways. The TRUTH of power is the grotesque manifestation of its daily human misery, which multiplies and perpetuates itself as an abject pusillanimous person, working as a slave, to sell itself as an example...

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Play with time.

Relational and Social Constructionist Consortium of Ecuador (IRYSE) Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. Waste    The relational, work, family, and friendship contexts in Ecuadorian society tend to be characterized by what we have reiterated on many occasions: the conviction -static and fanatical- of many people in all these areas, that their greatest and worst defects and ethical, intellectual, human and relational limitations are its best qualities and virtues. In these relational contexts, it is a utopia to think that they will be able to understand criticism and self-criticism as useful resources to contribute with intelligence and creative power to the dialogic process. In some therapies we´ve had these weeks, we´ve talked with several clients about the meaning that respect in relationships has for them since they explained that they suffer when experiencing its absence; in the public and the private, in the intimacy and socially. We suggested that they think that it is a waste of time (and life) to get involved and participate in -or endure- relationships that lack respect. That, by NOT setting human and respectful limits in their relationships, they enthroned what they complain about, what they do not say, or “swallow” as...

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Let’s weave stories that make life with dignity possible.

Relational and Social Constructionist Consortium of Ecuador (IRYSE) Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. Be with dignity  Have the purpose of meeting the other, in a dialogue built with curiosity, love, and respect. Asking ourselves from the connections that create shared wisdom to move in the world, to transform the worlds that need to be transformed, to be with dignity. To fulfill ourselves, it is time to start doing something for each other and others. It is choosing other languages, because the conventional ones, which support and cover up the status quo, have long expired; they impoverish and degrade, they are dry, empty of meaning. Find your own place to learn to respect the times understand, and integrate contradictions. Is there something, a moment, a gesture, a word, a response that I have given, something concrete that I have done in favor of generating the full exercise of human rights, that is liberating and contributes to building futures? Because by choosing to converse I become part of those conversations, I embody my philosophy in those dialogues with otherness, I commit myself with passion and at the same time, I invite that other interlocutor to question each other,...

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abril 2024

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