• Highlights

    IRYSE, Relational Constructionism in Ecuador

    January 26, 2018 “Everything I do, I do it with joy”. Michel de Montaigne (2007, p.588) Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A.  From Quito, Ecuador, we open this space for transformative and relational dialogues, from social-relational constructionism; trusting that it will be a useful contribution in our contexts to generate new questions, conversations, and creative, reflective, meaningful, different possibilities. Seeking that our narrations and actions generate the joint creation of new meanings in committed coordination for socially responsible practices. From a language that focuses on resources and is capable of constructing contextualized human worlds, in a process of building social worlds that signify transformative processes; from a…

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