Relational and Social Constructionist Consortium of Ecuador (IRYSE)
Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A.
Continuing in a society, in a country whose government decides, that it is above the Law, that the Law is to be imposed in an abusive and corrupt way on others and not to be respected and enforced, produces only a penalty that is defeat, a historical shame and legitimate indignation.
In this present of banalities that come and go with frenzy, of endless lists of frustrations and disappointments, because you discover that your relatives are thieves, that your friends are buffoons, that your loves were idealized ghosts, that work is alienating (you discover how obvious it is); that here and now, decadence is the norm, the north and the only entrance and exit; probably, it is also the time to say no, to open the possibilities of authentically saying yes.
If everything has been said, it means that everything is about to be said in different ways. The TRUTH of power is the grotesque manifestation of its daily human misery, which multiplies and perpetuates itself as an abject pusillanimous person, working as a slave, to sell itself as an example of the foolish echo of repetition.
At the same time, we listen to young women and men, between consultations and classes, connect with enthusiasm, and hope to generate questions that open horizons of new meanings, and unprecedented possibilities to build futures with joy and freedom. You listen to dreams; you talk about dreams that give life with integrity and fullness.
We are going to recover words and think, to generate other connections with dialogues that mean a better quality of life, that mean brave, dignified transformations, that do not violate rights, that do not beg for love. In an otherness that challenges us to be with others, to begin to be as we would like: with respect, curiosity, responsibility, joy, trust, and freedom.
The relational, work, family, and friendship contexts in Ecuadorian society tend to be characterized by what we have reiterated on many occasions: the conviction -static and fanatical- of many people in all these areas, that their greatest and worst defects and ethical, intellectual, human and relational limitations are its best qualities and virtues.

English translation by Bruno Tapia Naranjo.
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