• Highlights


    (November 13, 2020) Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. “Praxis gives meaning to words.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein) Dora Fried Schnitman, Ph.D. (I) We continue with Dora Fried Schnitman, Ph.D. (Posadas, April 3, Argentina). •          The generative perspective proposes that, through reflective dialogue and conversational learning, emerging processes and novel events can take place that promote the gradual co-construction of possibilities and alternatives over time to address the problematic situations and challenges that are presented to people in different contexts. It moves away from normative and deficit models and works with a logic of possibility and a positive resource-oriented framework… The beginning of a generative cycle facilitates the emergence…

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    (October 16, 2020) Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. (October, 2020) “Praxis gives meaning to words.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein) Sheila McNamee (I) We continue our series of authors with Sheila McNamee, Ph.D. (July 28, 1954, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States). Some members of the Taos Community have expressed interest in the ideas of the Taos Institute as we engage with our communities. Instead of issuing transformative strategies or techniques, I propose the following as a series of fluid and flexible conversational resources. There are many ways in which any of the following issues can be achieved, thus facilitating the different perspectives of the members of your group. Resources are…

  • Nuestro blog

    Perspectiva generativa en terapia: de momentos generativos a una pragmática reflexiva, de Dora Fried Schnitman

    (Recuperamos fragmentos de este texto de Dora, por su riqueza e innovación, su pragmatismo reflexivo y profundidad epistemológica, para que podamos aprender y actualizar nuestra práctica profesional desde una ética relacional distinta. El artículo completo tiene 25 páginas. Ver Fundación Interfas). ¿Cómo construimos un proceso generativo? Utilizamos el concepto de diálogo generativo para referirnos a la creación gradual de innovaciones que tiene lugar en las relaciones humanas. La clave de este proceso es el discernimiento de los momentos generativos del diálogo en los que se pueden reconocer variaciones, diferencias, momentos sutiles y emergentes/novedosos, y expandirlos para crear nuevos significados y acciones a través de una relación recíproca y responsiva entre…

  • Nuestro blog

    Facilitar visiones diferentes del mundo

    Sheila McNamee, Ph.D. (Por su riqueza conceptual recuperamos este breve texto de 2020). A continuación, se incluyen recursos para la conversación que se ofrecen como recursos fluidos, flexibles y superpuestos para participar en conversaciones enriquecedoras. Estos pueden fomentar nuevos entendimientos que, en palabras de Wittgenstein, nos permiten “seguir juntos“. ¿Podemos centrarnos en forjar nuevas formas de comprensión y dejar la expectativa o exigencia de nuestro deseo de acuerdos? Participe en la indagación autorreflexiva: cuestione sus suposiciones. Pregúntese de qué otra manera se podrían describir y comprender las cosas. No se apresure a “saber”; Trate de evitar la abstracción: evite las declaraciones globales sobre lo bueno / malo, lo correcto /…

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    Participatory workshops and seminars: what to do and how to do differently, so that they contribute and are useful?

    (June 2020) Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. “No one educates anyone -no-one educates himself- men educate each other with the mediation of the world… There is no true word that is not an unbreakable union between action and reflection… Accepting and respecting difference is one of those virtues without which listening cannot be given.” (Paulo Freire) What we have learned from our teachers in the social constructionist field is what we systematize and share with you (our readers) and in the different spaces of learning, dialogue and relationship. We consider that these practices are really useful for gaining experience of training and professional updating through workshops…

  • Nuestro blog

    Diálogo terapéutico desde el construccionismo social-relacional en nuestra práctica.

    Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. y Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. “No es “la respuesta” lo que debemos buscar sino más bien un proceso continuo de respuestas que generan preguntas nuevas …esfuerzos activos para construir el tipo de futuros en los que, en conjunto, podamos vivir de manera viable… es el cuidado del proceso…mejorar el bienestar a través del proceso relacional…”.  (Kenneth Gergen) “Sólo encontré dos pájaros y el viento, las nubes con sus mapas enrollados y unas flores de humo que se abrían buscándome durante el vertical viaje celeste. Porque vengo del cielo como en las profecías y en los himnos, emisario de lo alto, con mi uniforme de hojas, mi…

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    How to build – enjoying and letting others enjoy – relationships with relational ethics?

    (January 7, 2022) Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. “Everything I do, I do with joy.” Michel de Montaigne (trans. 2007, p.588) The current times -it recurrent to say things like this since humans appeared- seem to be characterized by new generations trained in a demanding logic, of an almost absolutist character. They expect and demand that their needs should be met immediately by their fathers and mothers: do you love me? For your mission is to please me, to spare me the frustration, the waiting, the patience, and the work for the construction of tomorrow. My comfort and selfishness, my fears and prejudices impose the immediate…

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    Dialogic Relational Research

    (October 18, 2019) Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. “Culture is looking at the other. Respect is looking at the other once again.”  (Tom Andersen and John Shotter) Attention: For the box check: https://iryse.org/investigacion-relacional-dialogica-i/ First part (October 18, 2019) Embracing complexity (*) Research is for connecting, “for embracing complexity” as proposed by Sheila McNamee (at the Taos Institute’s International Relational Research Network).  The research method (dialogic relational research) becomes a resource that contributes to people being able to engage, participate, reflect and act in directions they co-create. The research will be a process in which we generate the conditions to relate to the new, the different. A…

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