• Highlights

    Beginning, development, and closure of therapeutic processes (first part)

    (February 22, 2019) Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. First part In our daily therapeutic practice, we often ask ourselves about how to put the being of the therapist (or the person who provides care) at the service of the process of meaningful reflection and responsible transformation of the consultant. We work from a social-constructionist position (and, in that context, this sequence is an invitation to reflect with our readers; we trust that it contributes, that it is useful and serves as people will take it freely; it is not a step-by-step guide or a recipe book to follow; it is an invitation to a possible path,…

  • Highlights

    Rethink complexity, uncertainty, mystery; the words to say, to come; with a language of different possibilities, with love.

    Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. y Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. December 14, 2018 To dialogue is to allow ourselves to be touched and to connect with the words of others; to find within us the intelligent words of others, reflected with sensitivity in the produced resonance once we open ourselves (welcome) to be interwoven relationally by those transformative words. It is to answer dialogues to generate new dialogues. We dialogue with the question because we can put everything in question -about the meaning- to tell us that everything can be different. The other is an interlocutor (an equal) not a victim or an enemy; it is an interlocutor with co-responsibilities in…

  • Nuestro blog

    ¿Cómo construir -disfrutando y dejando disfrutar- relaciones con ética relacional?

    Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. y Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. “Todo lo que hago, lo hago con alegría.” Michel de Montaigne (trad. en 2007, p.588) Los tiempos actuales -es algo recurrente desde que hay tiempos humanos, decir cosas así- parecen estar caracterizados por nuevas generaciones entrenadas en una lógica demandante, de carácter casi absolutista. Esperan y exigen que sus deseos y necesidades se satisfagan de inmediato por parte de sus padres y madres: ¿Me quieres? Pues tu misión es complacerme, evitarme la frustración, la espera, la paciencia y el trabajo para la construcción del mañana. Mi comodidad y egoísmo, mis miedos y prejuicios imponen el inmediato hoy, este instante. Lo tuyo no…

  • Highlights

    Dialogue in the construction of relational ethics

    Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M. September 21, 2018 Dialogue means that two people are interconnected. It is looking at the relational field that is organized when one is linked to the other -because as we connect- new aspects for comprehension are generated, links are produced to develop new forms of collaboration. It is in this space and relational context -with a reflective level- where the words of one of the interlocutors make sense due to the relationship connection that they establish with the words of the other interlocutor. Language is what allows us to be and builds us; it is in living dialogue that life speaks.…

  • Highlights

    Caring for the caregiver, a social constructionist stance

    Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M. May 4, 2018 Many professionals from different fields: psychotherapy, education, organizations., tend to assume their roles as something that “should” be -if not perfect- at least the best without failing or making mistakes. They are often tyrannized by this social and personal duty; they tend to take competitive positions (be experts, accumulate prestige, money, power, and privilege) and engage in power struggles, fatuousness, and social careerism to demonstrate that they are essential. Between their own, exaggerated, expectations of perfection and the complex demands of those who seek their work or depend in some way on what they do, professionals in these…

  • Highlights

    IRYSE, Relational Constructionism in Ecuador

    January 26, 2018 “Everything I do, I do it with joy”. Michel de Montaigne (2007, p.588) Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. and Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A.  From Quito, Ecuador, we open this space for transformative and relational dialogues, from social-relational constructionism; trusting that it will be a useful contribution in our contexts to generate new questions, conversations, and creative, reflective, meaningful, different possibilities. Seeking that our narrations and actions generate the joint creation of new meanings in committed coordination for socially responsible practices. From a language that focuses on resources and is capable of constructing contextualized human worlds, in a process of building social worlds that signify transformative processes; from a…

  • Nuestro blog


    Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. y Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. (noviembre, 2021) Prevención de abusos sexuales a niñas, niños y adolescentes (parte III y final) “La libertad es siempre la libertad del que piensa diferente.”Rosa Luxemburgo Una historia de barbarie Hace 23 años, llegan a terapia una joven mujer de 27 años junto a su hija de 5. Terapeuta DTF: Bienvenidas. La mirada de la niña produce desazón. Por esta sensación, en lugar de darle a la madre para que lea el Consentimiento Bien Informado, sobre la confidencialidad y el contexto del proceso terapéutico, elijo leerlo en voz alta para las dos. Luego se le pide a la señora firmarlo. Incluye sus…

  • Nuestro blog


    Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. y Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. (octubre, 2021) Comunicación Asertiva y Diálogos Apreciativos-Generativos para Contribuir en la Construcción Consistente de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes Sistematización: Diego Tapia Figueroa, Ph.D. y Maritza Crespo Balderrama, M.A. La Ética Relacional es la base de este estilo de comunicación y de diálogos y nos permite preguntar: ¿hasta qué punto nuestras interacciones atraen posibilidades o las cierran? La ética relacional significa también que nos preocupamos el uno por el otro, nos cuidamos, cuidamos las relaciones poniendo palabras amorosas y respetuosas a esas relaciones, ordenando las posibilidades y complejidades de cada interacción. Las emociones y sentimientos son modos de actuar en el mundo, los…

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